Sunday, January 31, 2010

Andalus Village: Binemon

Andalus Village
Myths Soul-Warrior
Ammaar bin Walid

Prince's Charges

Using the charge of myths, Ememon divine charged into Binemon. Binemon's height was as tall as a human. He wore a dark green robe with a black vest and black shorts. He wore green leather gloves and green snow boots. The divine crest of myths was outlined in light green on his gloves, on the outside. He was wearing the necklace that A.J. gave to him around his neck. His green eyes were sparkling as ever. His hands was like a lion's. His face was more lion type than owl. A black tail like a lion's was behind him. A scar was on his right eyes, passing the eye's lens and pupil, was the light green outline of the crest of myths. His armor was gone as his green soft fur was apparent. He had no wings, but he still had his whiskers.

The charge was a miniature of a dark green closed robe with green leather gloves attached to it, a miniature black tail like a lion's tail was connected to the miniature dark green robe. The crest of myths was outlined in light green on the gloves, on the outside.

His attacks are: Emerald Victory, Binemon punches both of his arms forward, crossing them together in front of him, releasing two beams of green light, and with his arms crossed, releases a beam of his crossed arms towards the opponent. Imperial Star, Binemon opens his palm wide in front of him and with his other hand draws a five-edged star in midair behind the open palm. Once done, the drawn star goes through the open palm and Binemon punches it towards the opponent.

© ® Ammaar bin Walid

Rank: Myths Charge.

Attribute: Mammal Jerebi Myths Soul-Warrior; Tamed Beast; Biocode; Spenianmon; Owl Copedam.

Motto: Agent of Myths.

Attacks: Emerald Victory and Imperial Star.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Andalus Village: Betrayermon

Andalus Village
Ammaar bin Walid


He was Mistmon's maturity form, the dark opposite of Colamon. Like Mistmon, Betrayermon was thought of on the 5th of June 2007, Tuesday. He was described on the 16th of June 2007, Saturday. Like mentioned before Betrayermon could vanish and reappear. Like his previous form, Betrayermon had orange eyes, with long curly hair. He was bipedal and his form was that of a fox. Betrayermon's purple mane was now larger. His skin remained orange. His twin fox tails remained, yet grew longer. He had a large pair of orange bat wings. Betrayermon was short for Betrayer Monster. He extremely hated Colamon. Betrayermon wore an orange belt around his waist along with orange leather gloves partially covering his hands. Betrayermon was 15 inches taller than Colamon.

His attacks are: Eternal Inferno, Betrayermon slashes his right arm upwards as he releases barrage after barrage of purple fireballs at the opponent. The fireballs are either larger than Greymon's Nova Blast or War Greymon's Terra Force. Thunder Ring, Betrayermon clenches both of his fists as he closes his eyes. Purple rings, circular in shape, appear around Betrayermon's clenched fists as he opens his eyes and spreads his fingers out normally as they aren't clenched anymore. He brings the tow hands together with the rings still around the hands as the rings combine into one. As the two rings combine into one, a noise like thunder and as loud as thunder is heard out. Betrayermon puts his hands above his head, not puling his hands away as he slashes his hands downwards, releasing the ring. Yet again like when the two rings combined into one, upon being released, a noise like thunder and as loud as thunder is heard out. Traitor Kick, Betrayermon sends a flying kick into the opponent's face or snout snapping it from its body right away, with his foot glowing purple.

© ® Ammaar bin Walid

Rank: Maturity.

Attribute: Mammal Grasl Sewiril Lancer; Nether Troop; Biocode; Spenianmon; Owl Copedam.

Attacks: Eternal Inferno; Thunder Ring; Traitor Kick.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Andalus Village: Beaconmon

Andalus Village
Myths Soul-Warrior
Ammaar bin Walid


Using the divine crest or crest gem of myths, Centermon crevolves into Beaconmon. He's basically the same form of Centermon, but with updates. He's in the form of a grown muscular lion. He's on four legs. His light green fur was covered by black armor crovinze, all over his body. His black mane was now dark green and sharp and solid as daggers. His eyes flashed dark green through the black crovinze headwear, which covered his upper face. His legs were thin, but powerful and swift. Now covered with black crovinze armor, the claws were out, colored dark green and sharp and solid as daggers. The pads that were on Centermon were now on Beaconmon, on the ankles of his front legs. On his black armor torso was a small, dark green, circular green pad with the divine crest of myths, outlined in dark green. He's as large as Kabuterimon. His tail was as long as an average lion's tail now plated with black-green crovinze armor. He's in the Ultimate/Perfect/Migration level. He's a Mechanical Jerebi. Even though mechanical, he still had feelings; a mind of his own, and was rebellious as ever. He's sweethearts with Mig Vailmon.

© ® Ammaar bin Walid

Rank: Migration.

Attribute: Mechanical Jerebi Myths Soul-Warrior; Wiring Gear; Mechacode; Spenianmon; Owl Copedam.

Attacks: Beacon Distract; Beacon Bomb; Nuke Beacon.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Andalus Village: Atomicmon

Andalus Village
Myths Soul-Warrior
Ammaar bin Walid


Described on the 7th of September 2007, Friday. Atomicmon was the combined form of Atom Spacemon and Centermon. Atomicmon was the same height as Ravemon from Digimon Savers. He had black fur covering his whole body. A pair of black owl wings was on his back, and a tail like a lion's was behind him. The tip of the tail had a tuft of black hair. Atomicmon wore dark green armor over his chest. At the center of his chest armor was a small green emerald jewel. His feet were clawed in white and his arms and hands were also clawed in white. His face was a lion's snout, with a green mane. Near his nostrils were two green outlined crescents. His eyes were brown. His mate form was Cyber Zonemon. Since Atom Spacemon and Zonemon were related, they were able to evolve to this form. Atomicmon stood for Atomic Monster.

His attacks are: Atomic Force, Atomicmon's emerald jewel on his chest armor glows bright green and in midair a large sphere forms in front of Atomicmon. On the outside it would be dark green, but on the inside it would be light green energy. Once it is large in enough, Atomicmon puts the sphere over his head and hurls it towards his opponent. Atomic Twist, Atomicmon stretches his arms ahead of him and starts spinning really fast. He spins vertically and towards his opponent. Spinning around, Atomicmon would be like a black blur. The force of the impact of the spinning Atomicmon with his opponent would result in a wide explosion, similar to an atomic explosion, but without the radiation. Nucleus Justice, Atomicmon bents down and slams his right fist into the ground. The ground cracks, heading towards the opponent. The ground explodes beneath the opponent, forcing the opponent to hover midair and a small light green sphere is released from the ground below it and impacts into it.

© ® Ammaar bin Walid

Rank: Migration.

Attribute: Mythical Jerebi Myths Soul-Warrior; Legend Tale; Biocode; Spenianmon; Owl Copedam.

Attacks: Atomic Force; Atomic Twist; Nucleus Justice.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Andalus Village: Atom Spacemon

Andalus Village
Myths Soul-Warrior
Ammaar bin Walid

Atom Spacemon

He was Garurumon's size. He was totally white with the emerald crest of Myths on his forehead, above his snout. He had 5 claws on the front legs with green armored Crovinze around his lower legs. He had 4 claws on the back legs. His green mane was shorter, up to his shoulder blades. He was quadruple. His tail was a few inches longer with the same colors, white stripped green. His visor was now gone revealing his dark brown eyes. He was in the Champion/Adult level. His S-Strength was 575.

His attacks are: Atom Bomb, Atom Spacemon's armored green lower legs glow as particles are gathered in them. When the gathering reaches it's full, then the 2 front legs which were the only ones to glow release green beams combining together in mid-air forming a small energetic emerald bomb that is launched towards the opponent, exploding on impact. Atom Grenades, the same thing happens like with the Atom Bomb however the 2 beams don't combine and continually launch small Atom Bomb but smaller than the Atom bomb. Atom Explosion, Atom Spacemon jerks his head back but not all the way while green particles of energy gather around his mouth. When ready, Atom Spacemon thrashes his head forward while his mouth opens releasing the big Atom Bomb at the opponent.

© ® Ammaar bin Walid

Rank: Maturity

Attribute: Mammal Jerebi Myths Soul-Warrior; Tamed Beast; Biocode; Spenianmon; Owl Copedam.

Attacks: Atom Bomb; Atom Grenades; Atom Explosion.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Andalus Village: Astromon

Andalus Village
Myths Soul-Warrior
Ammaar bin Walid

Bristle's Charges

Described on the 12th of March 2009, Thursday. With the charge of Hope, Zonemon charged into Astromon, the Cat of Hope. His charge was a chunk of asteroid with the crest of hope in the middle of chunk, in its original color. Astromon was short for Astro Monster, with Astro being short for Astronaut or Asteroid. Astromon was quadruple. His face was like a cat's. He had a dirty blond mane, with hard solid pads made from chunks of an asteroid, on his four ankles. His claws were white and sharp, always out. Astromon's fur was black, and his eyes were brown. The crest of hope was outlined on Astromon's chest, in its original color. The crest was in a circle, resembling the moon, with the moon outlined in silver. A green band was around his neck, like a collar. Astromon's eyesight was sharp, and his hearing was sharp as well. Astromon could use his mane to let him float in the air. He was a fast runner.

His attacks are: Asteroid Strike, Astromon dashes at his opponent, with the claws of his front right paw ready. The opponent sees Astromon as an asteroid rushing at him, with the speed of an asteroid. Astromon holds his right paw, ready to strike, and with an impact of an asteroid, Astromon slashes his opponent with his readied paw. The opponent sees it as an asteroid, as it is confused. The impact of Astromon's strike is like an asteroid colliding with an object, in explosion. Astromon ends up behind his opponent after his attack. Asteroid Shower, with help from his mane, Astromon hovers off of the ground, and waits for a few moments. An asteroid from underneath him collides into him, sending him high into the air without harming him. Astromon's mane's color changes from dirty blond, to silver, with the remaining debris of the asteroid, that collided into Astromon from underneath, gathering up in his mane. Astromon's mane becomes sharply spiked and straight. Astromon flips over himself in midair, releasing a shower of asteroids from his silver glowing mane towards his opponent, or opponents. The shower of asteroids, are like real asteroids. Like an asteroid entering the atmosphere of any planet, there would be friction in the front of each and every asteroid released, until it collides with the targeted opponent. Sonar Moon, Astromon's whole body glows silver, and his color actually changes to silver, including his eyes; pads, and claws. Astromon lowers his snout towards the ground, and a beam from the outline of the moon on his chest, is released into the ground. In a flash of silver the ground changes into an ocean, with Astromon and his opponent hovering inches over it. The technique would turn day into night. A moon beam is formed deep underwater, and like a sonar, searches for the opponent until it finds it. When it locates its target, it rushes out of the water and surprises its target, colliding into it in a flash of silver light. With the technique done, the landscape returns to what it originally was, as does Astromon's body. Emerald Band, similar to Pegasusmon's and Nefertimon's Golden Nose. Astromon's needs Cosmomon's assistance for this technique. Astromon rushes towards the opponent from the right, and leaps into the air. He touches Cosmomon, and ricochets off of him. Astromon's green collar glows, and with it, Astromon helps form an emerald band around the opponent, or opponents, trapping it, or them together. Emerald Band is stronger than Golden Nose.

© ® Ammaar bin Walid

Rank: Hope Charge.

Attribute: Mammal Meric Myths Soul-Warrior; Tamed Beast; Biocode; Spenianmon; Owl Copedam.

Motto: The Cat of Hope.

Attacks: Asteroid Strike; Asteroid Shower; Sonar Moon; Emerald Band with Cosmomon.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Andalus Village: Assadullahmon

Andalus Village
Myths Soul-Warrior
Ammaar bin Walid

Lunanight's Charges

He was thought of, and described, on the eighteenth of Ota 10, Solar, which was the 14th of April 2009, Tuesday. Using the charge of courage, Octurnalmon charged into Assadullahmon, Beloved Courage. The charge of Courage was black in color, with a small light green mane in front, with small paws wearing dark green bracers on its side. On the charge's back was a dark green cape, with the outline of the crest of courage on it in light green. Assadullahmon was short for Assadullah Monster, with Assadullah an Arabic word meaning "Lion of Allah". Assadullahmon was in the form of a black furred lion. He had dark green eyes. Assadullahmon's tail was black, with the tip of the tail having a tuff of black hair. A dark green cape was on Assadullahmon's back, with the outline of the crest of courage in light green in the center back. Assadullahmon was a bipedal, with a light green mane around his head and chest. Dark green bracers were on all four paws.

His attacks are: Quadruple Assad Pride, Assadullahmon gets on all four paws, and his bracers glow. Each bracer releases a dark green replica of Assadullah, with two lions to Assadullahmon's right, and two to his left. Assadullahmon leaps backwards, and flips back onto his back paws, with the four dark green replica launching themselves at Assadullahmon's opponent, or opponents. Emerald Bracer Grip, Assadullahmon releases a dark green replica of one of his front bracers. The bracer grabs hold onto Assadullahmon's opponent, pinning it to the ground, or to the wall or ceiling. The grip tightens as the pinned opponent struggles, giving a chance for Assadullahmon to finish it off, or to withdraw and escape. Obsidian Lion Tail, Assadullahmon's black tuff on the tip of his tail glows black. Assadullahmon rushes at his opponent with the tip of his tail glowing. As Assadullahmon likes, the tip of his tail changes to either a saw; hammer, or grows spikes. Assadullahmon uses it against his opponent when he is close enough.

© ® Ammaar bin Walid

Rank: Courage Charge.

Attribute: Mammal Jerebi Myths Soul-Warrior; Tamed Beast; Biocode; Spenianmon; Owl Copedam.

Motto: Beloved Courage.

Attacks: Quadruple Assad Pride; Emerald Bracer Grip; Obsidian Lion Tail.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Andalus Village: Ash Otamon

Andalus Village
Myths Soul-Warrior
Ammaar bin Walid

Cometris' Charges
Ash Otamon

Using the charge of myths, Otazoidmon charged into Ash Otamon, the Star of Myths. The charge of Myths was a black charcoal with black armor in the upper front, the divine crest of myths was on it in dark green. Ash Otamon's eyes were green. He had short, smooth brown hair that had a dark green crest. He had armor on his chest; hands; feet; face; shoulders, and joints. The armor was black like the color of ash. Ash Otamon's smell was like the smell of ash. His fur was colored black like ash. His height was the same as Flamedramon. Dark green shorts was around his waist with a black belt, holding it. The divine crest of myths was on his armored chest, in dark green. His figure was that of a human.

His attacks are: Ash Crumble, his fist flames in black flames. If it hits or punches anything, it entirely turns to ash and crumbles to the ground. Star Storm, Ash Otamon raises up his arms towards the skies and a spark of black flame starts from his legs, it goes up his body and is released into the sky. Storm clouds immediately form. Black stars fall from the storm cloud as heavily as rain. They vaporize anything they hit, friend or foe, being or object. Kendo Star, Ash Otamon uses his right hand and moves it in a kendo move form, forming a black three-dimensional star that is five-edged. He launches the star. It collides into the opponent exploding, vaporizing it instantly.

© ® Ammaar bin Walid

Rank: Myths Charge.

Attribute: Humanoid Jerebi Myths Soul-Warrior; Bright Soul; Biocode; Spenianmon; Owl Copedam.

Motto: The Star of Myths.

Attacks: Ash Crumble; Star Storm; Kendo Star.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Andalus Village: Aseelmon

Andalus Village
Myths Soul-Warriors
Ammaar bin Walid


He was first thought of on the twenty-third of Flanis 9, Twinkle, which was the 17th of October 2008, Friday. Aseelmon was described on the twenty-ninth of Ota 10, Crescent, which was the 25th of April 2009, Saturday. Aseelmon was Amaritomon's maturity form. Aseelmon was short for Aseel Monster, which Aseel being an Arabic term. Other possible names were "Shadow Amaritomon" and "Star Amaritomon", which were soon disregarded. Where Amaritomon was a young human child in form, Aseelmon was a young grown adult in form. Aseelmon wore a black coat with a hood over his head most of the time. He had a long narrow nose and green eyes. Aseelmon's hair was black; short, and smooth. Aseelmon had facial hair on his face, which was basically a full trimmed black beard, and a trimmed black mustache. Aseelmon's face was a face of an adult's mature face. Aseelmon's voice was deeper than Amaritomon's voice. Aseelmon had dark green highlights on his black hair. He wore a black vest with a dark green sweater below it. Dark green leather pants, with black boots, covered Aseelmon's legs and feet. Dark green leather gloves were on Aseelmon's hands, with a dark green gauntlet on his left hand. Aseelmon always had Glade Lance with him, but he wasn't always dependent on it.

His attacks are: Phantom Inferno, Aseelmon slams his gauntlet into the ground in front of him, and ghostly green phantoms appear from under Aseelmon, and start spinning around him. With a ghostly wail, the phantoms release themselves at Aseelmon's opponent, or opponent. The phantoms dissolve into smoke, with the green smoke quickly sparking into an explosive green fire, that overwhelms the opponent, or opponents. Phantom Ring, green ghostly phantoms appear from under Aseelmon, without slamming his gauntlet into the ground. The ghostly phantom start spinning around Aseelmon, before leaving him, heading towards the opponent. The phantoms spin around each other in a tight circle, heading towards the opponent. The fast spinning combines the phantoms, and dissolves them, forming a green ring, heading towards the opponent. Phantom Twin, Aseelmon slashes his gauntlet and Glade Lance together, and a ghostly green being appears beside Aseelmon, with the same ghostly weapons as Aseelmon, and the same ghostly form as Aseelmon. With him Aseelmon attacks two opponents, or double teams with his phantom twin against one opponent.

© ® Ammaar bin Walid

Rank: Maturity.

Attribute: Humanoid Grasl Myths Soul-Warrior; Bright Soul; Biocode; Spenianmon; Owl Copedam.

Attacks: Phantom Inferno; Phantom Ring; Phantom Twin.

Card Info: Aseelmon. Owl Copedam. Humanoid Grasl. Bright Souls Family. Juvenile Level. Digi-Power: 730. Phantom Inferno: -250 | Phantom Ring: -215.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Andalus Village: Arctic Stariazmon

Andalus Village
Myths Soul-Warrior
Ammaar bin Walid

Arctic Stariazmon

He was one of Octurnalmon's migration forms. Arctic Stariazmon was thought of on the seventh of Sewit 10, Eclipse, which was the 3rd of May 2009, Sunday. He was described on the thirteenth of Sewit 10, Crescent, which was the 9th of May 2009, Saturday. Using the crest of friendship, either Octurnalmon or Stariazmon, evolve to Arctic Stariazmon. Arctic Stariazmon was short for Arctic Stariaz Monster. Arctic Stariazmon had an X-antibody in his system. Arctic Stariazmon was on all four legs. He had thick white fur all over his body. He was the same size and form as a polar bear. Arctic Stariazmon's eyes were green, while his nose was an owl's beak, which was light blue. His face was like a snout, but with an owl's beak. A pair of white dragon wings was on his back. Light blue spiked pads were on all of his knees. Arctic Stariazmon's tail was long and white, with the tuff at the tip of the tail being light blue.

His attacks are: Owl Freeze, Arctic Stariazmon glows light blue, and releases a cold aura towards his opponent, in the form of an owl, which freezes the opponent. Spiral Snow Blast, harnessing the element of snow, Arctic Stariazmon opens his beak, and releases spiral white snow at his opponent. Arctic Barrier, Arctic Stariazmon touches the ground in front of him with the tip of his beak, turning whatever he touches into solidified reinforced ice. Arctic Barrier could turn a lake into a frozen lake. Arctic Stariazmon also uses this technique to form strong ice walls in front of him. It can also be used to make frozen bridges over wide gaps.

© ® Ammaar bin Walid

Rank: Migration.

Attribute: Mammal Jerebi Myths Soul-Warrior; Tamed Beast; Biocode; Spenianmon; X-Antibody Codelimin; Owl Copedam.

Attacks: Owl Freeze; Spiral Snow Blast; Arctic Barrier.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Andalus Village: Arch Stariazmon

Andalus Village
Myths Soul-Warrior
Ammaar bin Walid

Arch Stariazmon

He was one of Octurnalmon's migration forms. Arch Stariazmon was thought of on the fifteenth of Sewit 10, Lunar, which was the 11th of May 2009, Monday. He was described on the twenty-second of Sewit 10, Lunar, which was the 18th of May 2009, Monday. Using the crest of hope, either Octurnalmon or Stariazmon, evolve to Arch Stariazmon. Arch Stariazmon was short for Arch Stariaz Monster. Arch Stariazmon had an X-antibody in his system. Arch Stariazmon was bipedal. He wore gold leather boots, which covered his feet. White short fur covered Arch Stariazmon's whole body. Arch Stariazmon's face was a face of an owl with white feathers. He had green eyes, and a silver beak. A gold mane was covering his chest a little, while his hands and arms were human like, with white short fur on them. Arch Stariazmon had gold bracers on both of his hands. Three pairs of angelic wings were on Arch Stariazmon's back. Arch Stariazmon carried a double sided lance, with the handle bar being white pearl, while the lances were gold.

His attacks are: Angelic Lance Slash, Arch Stariazmon slashes his lance towards his opponent, releasing gold energy at it. Angelic Orb, using his lance, Arch Stariazmon forms a gold orb around himself. A method of this technique is when the gold orb is around Arch Stariazmon, Arch Stariazmon rushed at the opponent, and the orb collides in an explosion with the opponent, with Arch Stariazmon being unharmed from it. Another method is Arch Stariazmon releasing the orb from around himself, at his opponent. Angelic Lance Pulse, Arch Stariazmon spins in place, with his lance held outwards. A golden wave is released all around Arch Stariazmon.

© ® Ammaar bin Walid

Rank: Migration.

Attribute: Angel Jerebi Myths Soul-Warrior; Angelic Vanguard; Biocode; Spenianmon; X-Antibody Codelimin; Owl Copedam.

Attacks: Angelic Lance Slash; Angelic Orb; Angelic Lance Pulse.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Andalus Village: Anomon

Andalus Village
Ammaar bin Walid


Thought of on the 27th of June 2007, Wednesday and described on the 28th of June 2007, Thursday. He was the combined form of Cometris and Starlight with Cometris being the dominate one. He was Cyberdramon's height. He had dark blue hooves, and a pair of dark green owl wings. He had green pointed ears, and his skin was dark green, as was his face. He had dark blue eyes, and no hair, but he had tattoos under his eyes, both being the crest of myths in dark blue. He had dragon claws for fingers. His arms and hands were black dragon scales. His chest was bare and dark green in color. He wore dark blue leather shorts. Anomon had an owl tail, colored dark green. His name was short for Another Monster. Where it was love for Sigmamon, it was both Travis and Otazoidmon being protective of Tracy and Shetamon, which led to the appearance of Anomon. Since Cometris was dominate, Anomon could vanish and reappear like Cometris.

For 'Digital Disciples', there would be a time where Cometris was beaten, and Starlight pinned down. Too weak to help, Travis would also be weak, while Tracy would be immobilized, just like Starlight. Despite his fatigue, Travis first crawled over to Tracy, then he stood up and walked over to her. An event happened, which led to the appearance of Anomon.

His attacks are: Badside, Anomon makes a singular clone of himself to help him combat his opponent, yet this clone is the bad side of Anomon. Heavenly Owl, Anomon is either in the air, or on the ground. For the ground, Anomon glows dark green, with green fire surrounding his whole form. The green fire expands to form a dark green energy owl. When ready, Anomon releases the owl at the opponent. The same happens in the air, but Anomon is in the air with his wings spread out. Heavenly Star, the two tattoos on Anomon's eyes glow light green, before releasing beams towards the opponent. The beams combine in midair, forming a star, in the shape of an owl's face, which zooms towards the opponent.

© ® Ammaar bin Walid

Rank: Hudidos Hyper.

Attribute: Mythical Meric Soul-Warrior Copedam; Legend Tale; Biocode; Spenianmon; Owl Copedam.

Attacks: Badside; Heavenly Owl; Heavenly Star.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Andalus Village: Ancient Scentomon

Andalus Village
Ammaar bin Walid

Ancient Scentomon

He was described on the 19th of September 2007, Wednesday. Ancient Scentomon was Bantyo Leomon's height. He wore a black cape. Ancient Scentomon was black furred and he looked like a lion. He had green eyes. Ancient Scentomon had a black lion's tail, with a black mane around his neck. Also around his neck, Ancient Scentomon wore a green emerald necklace. Black spiked pads were on his shoulders; elbows, and knees. Dark green spots were all over his black furred body. Ancient Scentomon wore black boots. He also wore black gloves, which reached up to his elbows. Ancient Scentomon's white claws penetrated through the black gloves. On Ancient Scentomon's right glove was a green outline of a crescent, on his left glove was a green outline of a five-edged star. Ancient Scentomon was one of two guardians that protected Ancient Twidomon. Ancient Scentomon was one of the ancient codelimin that were amongst the first to roam the Digital World. His juvenile forms were either Otazoidmon; Lohissmon, or Zonemon.

His attacks are: Lion's Pulse, Ancient Scentomon jumps slightly into the air, with his legs apart, and his right open paw and aimed towards the opponent. Green energy jumps out from the ground beneath Ancient Scentomon, and goes into his body. The energy moves towards his right open paw, and Ancient Scentomon pulls his right paw backwards, releasing the energy towards the opponent in a light green horizontal arch. Holy Gathering, Ancient Scentomon folds his paws over each other on his stomach, and Ancient Scentomon closes his eyes. A pool of crystal clear water appears beneath Ancient Scentomon, and a ripple is sent across the surface. Moments later white spirits appear from all around, surrounding the opponent. The white spirits float all around the opponent and circle it. They eventually stop and fold their hands over each other on where their stomachs would be, and they close their eyes. Both the white spirits and Ancient Scentomon whisper in some language, and the opponent helplessly starts to float in the air. The white spirits open their eyes, and unfold their hands. With sad moans, one after another, the white spirits go through the opponent. Once everyone went through it, the opponent falls to the ground, and is instantly deleted. Ancient Scentomon unfolds his paws and opens his eyes, as the pool beneath him vanishes.

© ® Ammaar bin Walid

Rank: Mate.

Attribute: Mammal Jerebi Sewiril Lancer; Mystic Ancient; Biocode; Spenianmon; Owl Copedam.

Attacks: Lion's Pulse; Holy Gathering; Lion's Radiance.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Andalus Village: Amaritomon

Andalus Village
Myths Soul-Warriors
Ammaar bin Walid


He was thought of on the 16th of October 2008, Thursday and described on the 6th of December 2008, Saturday. Amaritomon was short for Amarito Monster, with Amarito being Spanish for Little Ammaar. He was a young human child in form. He wore a black coat with a hood over his head most of the time. He had a long narrow nose and green eyes. His hair was black; long, and smooth. On the tips of his hair in the back was dark green highlights. He wore a black vest with dark green sweater below it. Amaritomon wore dark green leather pants with black boots. He wore dark green leather gloves. Amaritomon could easily fly, and vanish and reappear like his close rival Otazoidmon. Starting from this level Amaritomon started using telepathy to communicate much of the time with his mystic. Amaritomon wielded a weapon named "Glade Lance". He's named Rastinro Greenglade. His Arabic name is Rajm. He first appeared in "The Fifth DigiDestined" in "The First Generation".

Glade Lance was a weapon with a trident lance at each side of the weapon. The weapon between the tridents was colored in black, while the tridents were light green in color, crackling with green electricity. The trident had three pointed spears.

His attacks are: Green Spark, one side of Glade Lance lights up with green electricity, and Amaritomon aims the electric point at his opponent. A green electric charge is released from the lance heading towards the opponent. Close in front of the opponent, the green electric charge explodes in the opponents face and body. Green Field, Amaritomon swings his Glade Lance around rapidly in front of himself in circles, eventually creating a green shield in front of him protecting him. Meadow Implosion, Amaritomon digs his Glade Lance into the ground and a green implosion swiftly occurs with the opponent, or opponents, at the center of it, with the implosion releasing leafs and grass in all direction, regardless of the terrain. Green Light, Amaritomon aims his Glade Lance at his opponent, releasing a green beam from the tips of the lance towards the opponent.

© ® Ammaar bin Walid

Rank: Juvenile.

Attribute: Humanoid Grasl Myths Soul-Warrior; Bright Soul; Biocode; Spenianmon; Owl Copedam.

Attacks: Green Spark; Green Field; Meadow Implosion; Green Light.

Card Info: Amaritomon. Owl Copedam. Humanoid Grasl. Bright Souls Family. Juvenile Level. Digi-Power: 190. Green Spark: -105 | Green Field: +115.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Andalus Village: AJmon

Andalus Village
Myths Soul-Warrior
Ammaar bin Walid

Prince's Charges

He was the Goodness charge form of Prince. With the charge of goodness, Ememon charged into AJmon, the Flyer of Goodness. AJmon had two pairs of different wings, one of them being like a plane, his body was like a mammal and his face was like a human. He had green eyes. Missile Launchers, two each were on his wings. The other pairs of wings were the rear wings, being like a butterfly's wings. They were green in color and were cut into two smaller pairs. The feet have a leg then three fingers on each leg, since there were four legs, there were 16 fingers. He has another form, being Novalmon, where Novalmon stood on two legs, but keeps the form of AJmon.

Its charge was that of a Star Missile. The crest of Goodness is on top, just below the star, the divine crest of myths is below it. The crest of goodness is on AJmon's left wing, the divine crest of myths is on AJmon's right wing.

His attacks are: Quadruple Laser, AJmon releases green energy from his rear butterfly wings towards the opponent. Star Missile, AJmon uses his missile launchers to launch this technique. Star Missile is a rectangle missile that in its front was a star. Star Wing, AJmon releases an energy replica of his front wing towards the opponent and slashes it. AJmon can use this technique to stop other attacks, including his own. Starlight, Novalmon's only unique technique. Novalmon releases intense light, which is intense as a real small star. The attack either burns the opponent badly or blinds it.

© ® Ammaar bin Walid

Rank: Goodness Charge.

Attribute: Composition Jerebi Myths Soul-Warrior; Odd Test; Biocode; Spenianmon; Owl Copedam.

Motto: Flyer of Goodness.

Attacks: Star Missiles; Quadruple Laser; Star Wing; Starlight (Novalmon).

Friday, January 15, 2010

Andalus Village: Aimermon Valiant Mode

Andalus Village
Myths Sailor
Ammaar bin Walid

Aimermon Valiant Mode

He was described on the 12th of March 2008, Wednesday. Aimermon Valiant Mode was as strong as Aimermon could become. He was three and a half feet taller than Aimermon. His fur was completely black with his eyes green. His mane was black, and at the back, his mane was spiked. His tail remained white, as long as a lion's, with the tuff of fur at the tip of the tail being black. He was Aimermon's form, down to the face, which was a snout. Green crovinze armor was around Aimermon Valiant Mode's chest. The mane was above the chest armor. Attached to the back of his armor were two sheaths with the crossed in an X form. One sheath held Lirf Sword, while the other held Myths Blade. The sheaths were around Aimermon Valiant Mode's chest armor, being between the mane and the armor. Green gloves were on Aimermon Valiant Mode's paws. On his feet he wore black leather boots reaching a little below his knees. The boots were suitable for Aimermon's lower paws. Aimermon Valiant Mode was wearing dark green shorts. A dark green leather belt was around Aimermon Valiant Mode's waist, holding his shorts up and secure in place. A sheath was attached to the right of his belt, where his third sword was held, with it being Emeraldsnow. A light green cape was attached securely to his shoulders. Circular secure light green sponge pads were on his elbows and his knees. Depending on story, the locket or crescent of myths would be around his neck and his digivice would be secure to the left of his belt. Aimermon Valiant Mode was short for Aimer Monster Valiant Mode. Aimer meant some greeting in Twilasin. Using his Twinkle Soar over his body, Aimermon Valiant Mode was capable of flight. Wearing a cape wasn't an obstacle for the sheaths on his back.

His attacks are: Triple Emerald Legends, for this technique, Aimermon Valiant Mode uses all three of his swords at once. He unsheathes them and holds them all confidently in either one of his paws. Emeraldsnow would be in the center; Lirf Sword would be to the right, and Myths Blade would be to the left. Aimermon Valiant Mode has his three swords gather up energy and he moves them to the opposite side that he's holding them. Once ready, Aimermon Valiant Mode slashes his swords towards the opponent horizontally, releasing three green energy waves towards it. Twinkle Line, done exactly like Aimermon's Twinkle Line. Aimermon Valiant Mode's Twinkle Line is much more powerful than before. Using his Emeraldsnow, Aimermon Valiant Mode aims it towards the opponent vertically, with the blade pointing downwards, and with Aimermon Valiant Mode holding the hilt with both of his paws. A green line as long as the blade is released towards the opponent from Emeraldsnow. Mystic Valiantstar, an advanced form of Aimermon's Mystic Autumnstar, Aimermon Valiant Mode again uses his Emeraldsnow for this technique. Aimermon Valiant Mode rapidly spins Emeraldsnow in his paws, switching from one paw to another, never stopping his spinning. A green star is eventually formed, which is released. Along its way towards the opponent, small green ownalis pods are formed around the green star, and continuously released towards the opponent. Once the first pods blast the opponent, a second wave is released and this is continued until the green star blasts into or onto the opponent. Twinkle Soar, being Aimermon's strongest attack through combining Mystic Autumnstar and Lion Spirit, Aimermon Valiant Mode now has it in his arsenal, being capable of it, using Emeraldsnow once more. A green lion like lion spirit, but more agile and fiercer looking explodes out of Emeraldsnow, which is aimed towards the opponent. If it goes through an opponent, it can easily drain it severely. It can also explode on impact with the opponent, or act like a real lion and jump at the opponent, forcing it down and starting attacking it with its claws and snout. Since Aimermon Valiant Mode is more than powerful enough to do this technique, he isn't required to combine two attacks of his. Horizon Rope, the mane covering Aimermon Valiant Mode's chest glows releasing a green rope from within the mane towards the opponent. Horizon Rope can also be used to save friendly beings, as it's stronger now with Aimermon Valiant Mode's strength. Radiance of Myths, Aimermon Valiant Mode glows green and his glow intensifies, and widens all around him. The glow starts from his sponge pads It forms a large green energizing holy pure energy dome high into the air. Any corrupt Digimon are instantly freed from the spell that was on them, and any villainous Digimon are severely weakened. Allied or friendly Digimon are instantly healed and fully recovered. Unlike Magna Aimermon, Aimermon Valiant Mode is capable of controlling the range of Radiance of Myths. Spirit Revenge, using Lirf Sword for this technique, Aimermon Valiant Mode remains holding Lirf Sword, or throws it into the air. A green energy of an owl's face explodes out of Lirf Sword and heads towards the opponent. Power of Myths, using his Myths Blade for this technique, Aimermon Valiant Mode slashes the sword in front of him diagonally as he's holding it with both paws. A strong green energy is released towards the opponent. Tanis Glide, again using his Myths Blade for this technique, Aimermon Valiant Mode held Myths Blade with both of his paws, and faces the blade's tip downwards vertically. Aimermon Valiant Mode slashes Myths Blade upwards straight, and sparks appear on the sword. A giant transparent green owl rushes out of the sword into the sky. Valiant Eclipse, Aimermon Valiant Mode doesn't need any of his swords for this technique. He puts two of his fingers from of his right hand in front of his nose vertically. Aimermon Valiant Mode sways his right arm to his right, having only one finger of his right hand pointing upwards vertically. A planet wide solar eclipse occurs. The eclipse doesn't pass until the attack is over as the moon looks like a bright crescent. Hundreds of pieces of rock fall from the sky and explode once they collide with the ground. It is thought that the rocks come from the moon, but the moon isn't harmed. From the explosion, green energy forms of the spirits of twinkle; animal soul of the owl, and soul of the lion in the hundreds glide at top speed towards the main opponent. They all simultaneously collide with the opponent in a bright green sphere or dome explosion, erasing the data of the opponent completely, not giving it a chance to gather or be reborn somewhere else. If other worlds in other dimensions were invaded, the same would happen there and it would erase all the evil codelimin across the dimension and restore its beauty in other worlds and the origin world the attack was originally done in. The attack is as strong as a nuke, but it could be much more powerful, covering a whole city in its green energy, restoring it. A green beam of light reaches into space and goes off for miles. At the site of the impact would be a large crater where numerous types of flowers would be blooming. Aimermon Valiant Mode could control the range of the sphere or dome. Once done, the eclipse would pass away. Valiant Desafe, Aimermon Valiant Mode clutches his right paw into a fist and pounds his chest once to the right. Instantly a green energy shield is formed in front of Aimermon Valiant Mode. The shield has the face of an owl, but staring downwards, with its chest and its wings outstretched. Valiant Desafe is only a defensive technique and does withstand any attack of any sort, no matter how powerful it is.

© ® Ammaar bin Walid

Rank: Muzon.

Attribute: Mammal Jerebi Myths Sailor; Tamed Beast; Biocode; Spenianmon; Owl Copedam.

Attacks: Triple Emerald Legends; Twinkle Line through Emeraldsnow; Mystic Valiantstar through Emeraldsnow; Twinkle Soar through Emeraldsnow; Horizon Rope; Radiance of Myths; Spirit Revenge through Lirf Sword; Power of Myths through Myths Blade; Tanis Glide through Myths Blade; Valiant Eclipse; Valiant Desafe.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Andalus Village: Aimermon

Andalus Village
Myths Sailor
Ammaar bin Walid


When any soul-warrior of the myths sailor gets deleted and the sailor of myths absorbed him, this was what he would evolve to. His lower forms were Otazoidmon; Emeraldmon, and Survivomon. Another possible lower form of Aimermon is Actomon. Also when any lion type codelimin died and allowed his form to be absorbed beforehand by the disciple or sailor of myths, then that disciple or sailor was capable of starting to turn into Aimermon. He's Agnimon's height. His fur was completely white with his eyes green. His mane was black. His tail was white, as long as a lion's. Aimermon's whole body was in the form of a lion, down to the face, which was a snout. Aimermon was short for Aimer Monster, Aimer meaning hello or some greeting in Twilasin. Since Aimermon was the disciple or sailor of myths mystic form, it wasn't always needed for there to be a sacrifice of any sort for him to exist. Using a digivice, it was glowed to his waist band of his black sports shorts, which the disciple or sailor of myths could return for to use. The crescent of myths, or sometimes locket of myths, was around his neck like when he was in his original human form. With Lion Spirit, Aimermon would eventually be able to extend the spirits capabilities. For one thing, it would be able to make facial expressions; and when with help from the Lion Spirit, Aimermon could gain flight capability when needed. Also if Aimermon was to be surrounded, Aimermon could whip the Lion Spirit around, deleting his foes. His dub name, as an animal soul, was Vin Greenglade, with his sweetheart first dubbing him that.

His attacks are: Lion Photons, Aimermon spins around, releasing sharp fur towards the opponent, energized with ownalis energy. Lion Spirit, Aimermon crosses his arms together and hisses towards the opponent, as all his fur bristles and a holographic lion shows through Aimermon. Aimermon uncrosses his arms, releasing the holographic lion towards the opponent, as the spirit turns green and goes through the opponent. Red Claws, Aimermon brings his hands together, but with them in opposite directions not facing each other. Red energy is gathered into the claws and Aimermon pulls his hands away at once, releasing an attack in the form of red claws towards the opponent. Twinkle Line, after summoning his Emeraldsnow, Aimermon aims it towards the opponent vertically, with the blade pointing downwards, and with Aimermon holding the hilt with both of his paws. A green line as long as the blade is released towards the opponent from Emeraldsnow. Twinkle Line could only be done through Emeraldsnow. Mystic Autumnstar, similar to Otazoidmon's Mystic Gardenstar. Aimermon rapidly spins Emeraldsnow in his hands, switching from one hand to another, never stopping his spinning. A green mist is formed from the rapid spinning in front of the spinning sword and the from the mist autumn leafs form, floating around. A green star is eventually formed as well, which is released, along with the numerous colorful autumn leafs, towards the opponent. The autumn leafs turns to green energy just before slamming into the opponent. Mystic Autumnstar leaves behind it trails of green glowing energy. Mystic Autumnstar could only be done through Emeraldsnow. Mystic Autumnstar is a powerful attack, which would match an average mate codelimin attack. Twinkle Soar, Aimermon combines Lion Spirit and Mystic Autumnstar together to form this technique. Twinkle Soar is a green lion like lion spirit, but more agile and fiercer looking. If it goes through an opponent, it can easily drain it severely. It can also explode on impact with the opponent, or act like a real lion and jump at the opponent, forcing it down and starting attacking it with its claws and snout.

© ® Ammaar bin Walid

Rank: Maturity.
Attribute: Mammal Jerebi Myths Sailor; Tamed Beast; Biocode; Spenianmon; Owl Copedam.
Attacks: Lion Photons; Lion Spirit; Red Claws; Twinkle Line through Emeraldsnow; Mystic Autumnstar through Emeraldsnow; Twinkle Soar through Emeraldsnow.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Andalus Village: Aero Jerebimon

Andalus Village
Myths Soul-Warrior
Ammaar bin Walid

Cometris' Charges
Aero Jerebimon

Only chosen Otazoidmon charged into Aero Jerebimon with the Mysterious Crest of Atmosphere. One charge was only needed to charge them all. Aero Jerebimon rule over the air; skies and atmosphere. They're dark green in color, which looked like Airdramon, but were slightly longer and stronger. They had three pairs of wings, leather black wings. Their eyes were green. The mysterious crest of atmosphere was in the middle of it's back, between the wings in black. They transported troops sometimes from place to place, and are escorts for the land or water units. They're feet were dragon-like. They had a jet pack filled with Ownalis energy on the left and the right sides of the tail. Mesk scent came from them. They were resistant to anything and everything. They were mythical jerebi type of the charged level. The charge had three pairs of leather black wings on its sides. On the front was the mysterious crest of Atmosphere. The charge was in the shape of Knight Missile. They all shared the languages English, in all its accents and Twilasin. They were knowledgeable about all air and land creatures and speak all their languages fluently. They were fully knowledgeable in all sciences that have to deal with astronomy of all types and even more that is unknown. All of Actonal Army had cloaking abilities and fade abilities. All of Actonal Army had the army's flag on the upper right of their clothing or armor.

© ® Ammaar bin Walid

Rank: Mysterious Charge of Atmosphere.

Attribute: Mythical Jerebi Myths Soul-Warriors; Legend Tale; Biocode; Spenianmon; Owl Copedam.

Motto: The Ace of Atmosphere.

Attack: Knight Missile; Flak Fire; Stars of Legend.