Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Andalus Village: Astromon

Andalus Village
Myths Soul-Warrior
Ammaar bin Walid

Bristle's Charges

Described on the 12th of March 2009, Thursday. With the charge of Hope, Zonemon charged into Astromon, the Cat of Hope. His charge was a chunk of asteroid with the crest of hope in the middle of chunk, in its original color. Astromon was short for Astro Monster, with Astro being short for Astronaut or Asteroid. Astromon was quadruple. His face was like a cat's. He had a dirty blond mane, with hard solid pads made from chunks of an asteroid, on his four ankles. His claws were white and sharp, always out. Astromon's fur was black, and his eyes were brown. The crest of hope was outlined on Astromon's chest, in its original color. The crest was in a circle, resembling the moon, with the moon outlined in silver. A green band was around his neck, like a collar. Astromon's eyesight was sharp, and his hearing was sharp as well. Astromon could use his mane to let him float in the air. He was a fast runner.

His attacks are: Asteroid Strike, Astromon dashes at his opponent, with the claws of his front right paw ready. The opponent sees Astromon as an asteroid rushing at him, with the speed of an asteroid. Astromon holds his right paw, ready to strike, and with an impact of an asteroid, Astromon slashes his opponent with his readied paw. The opponent sees it as an asteroid, as it is confused. The impact of Astromon's strike is like an asteroid colliding with an object, in explosion. Astromon ends up behind his opponent after his attack. Asteroid Shower, with help from his mane, Astromon hovers off of the ground, and waits for a few moments. An asteroid from underneath him collides into him, sending him high into the air without harming him. Astromon's mane's color changes from dirty blond, to silver, with the remaining debris of the asteroid, that collided into Astromon from underneath, gathering up in his mane. Astromon's mane becomes sharply spiked and straight. Astromon flips over himself in midair, releasing a shower of asteroids from his silver glowing mane towards his opponent, or opponents. The shower of asteroids, are like real asteroids. Like an asteroid entering the atmosphere of any planet, there would be friction in the front of each and every asteroid released, until it collides with the targeted opponent. Sonar Moon, Astromon's whole body glows silver, and his color actually changes to silver, including his eyes; pads, and claws. Astromon lowers his snout towards the ground, and a beam from the outline of the moon on his chest, is released into the ground. In a flash of silver the ground changes into an ocean, with Astromon and his opponent hovering inches over it. The technique would turn day into night. A moon beam is formed deep underwater, and like a sonar, searches for the opponent until it finds it. When it locates its target, it rushes out of the water and surprises its target, colliding into it in a flash of silver light. With the technique done, the landscape returns to what it originally was, as does Astromon's body. Emerald Band, similar to Pegasusmon's and Nefertimon's Golden Nose. Astromon's needs Cosmomon's assistance for this technique. Astromon rushes towards the opponent from the right, and leaps into the air. He touches Cosmomon, and ricochets off of him. Astromon's green collar glows, and with it, Astromon helps form an emerald band around the opponent, or opponents, trapping it, or them together. Emerald Band is stronger than Golden Nose.

© ® Ammaar bin Walid

Rank: Hope Charge.

Attribute: Mammal Meric Myths Soul-Warrior; Tamed Beast; Biocode; Spenianmon; Owl Copedam.

Motto: The Cat of Hope.

Attacks: Asteroid Strike; Asteroid Shower; Sonar Moon; Emerald Band with Cosmomon.

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