Friday, January 15, 2010

Andalus Village: Aimermon Valiant Mode

Andalus Village
Myths Sailor
Ammaar bin Walid

Aimermon Valiant Mode

He was described on the 12th of March 2008, Wednesday. Aimermon Valiant Mode was as strong as Aimermon could become. He was three and a half feet taller than Aimermon. His fur was completely black with his eyes green. His mane was black, and at the back, his mane was spiked. His tail remained white, as long as a lion's, with the tuff of fur at the tip of the tail being black. He was Aimermon's form, down to the face, which was a snout. Green crovinze armor was around Aimermon Valiant Mode's chest. The mane was above the chest armor. Attached to the back of his armor were two sheaths with the crossed in an X form. One sheath held Lirf Sword, while the other held Myths Blade. The sheaths were around Aimermon Valiant Mode's chest armor, being between the mane and the armor. Green gloves were on Aimermon Valiant Mode's paws. On his feet he wore black leather boots reaching a little below his knees. The boots were suitable for Aimermon's lower paws. Aimermon Valiant Mode was wearing dark green shorts. A dark green leather belt was around Aimermon Valiant Mode's waist, holding his shorts up and secure in place. A sheath was attached to the right of his belt, where his third sword was held, with it being Emeraldsnow. A light green cape was attached securely to his shoulders. Circular secure light green sponge pads were on his elbows and his knees. Depending on story, the locket or crescent of myths would be around his neck and his digivice would be secure to the left of his belt. Aimermon Valiant Mode was short for Aimer Monster Valiant Mode. Aimer meant some greeting in Twilasin. Using his Twinkle Soar over his body, Aimermon Valiant Mode was capable of flight. Wearing a cape wasn't an obstacle for the sheaths on his back.

His attacks are: Triple Emerald Legends, for this technique, Aimermon Valiant Mode uses all three of his swords at once. He unsheathes them and holds them all confidently in either one of his paws. Emeraldsnow would be in the center; Lirf Sword would be to the right, and Myths Blade would be to the left. Aimermon Valiant Mode has his three swords gather up energy and he moves them to the opposite side that he's holding them. Once ready, Aimermon Valiant Mode slashes his swords towards the opponent horizontally, releasing three green energy waves towards it. Twinkle Line, done exactly like Aimermon's Twinkle Line. Aimermon Valiant Mode's Twinkle Line is much more powerful than before. Using his Emeraldsnow, Aimermon Valiant Mode aims it towards the opponent vertically, with the blade pointing downwards, and with Aimermon Valiant Mode holding the hilt with both of his paws. A green line as long as the blade is released towards the opponent from Emeraldsnow. Mystic Valiantstar, an advanced form of Aimermon's Mystic Autumnstar, Aimermon Valiant Mode again uses his Emeraldsnow for this technique. Aimermon Valiant Mode rapidly spins Emeraldsnow in his paws, switching from one paw to another, never stopping his spinning. A green star is eventually formed, which is released. Along its way towards the opponent, small green ownalis pods are formed around the green star, and continuously released towards the opponent. Once the first pods blast the opponent, a second wave is released and this is continued until the green star blasts into or onto the opponent. Twinkle Soar, being Aimermon's strongest attack through combining Mystic Autumnstar and Lion Spirit, Aimermon Valiant Mode now has it in his arsenal, being capable of it, using Emeraldsnow once more. A green lion like lion spirit, but more agile and fiercer looking explodes out of Emeraldsnow, which is aimed towards the opponent. If it goes through an opponent, it can easily drain it severely. It can also explode on impact with the opponent, or act like a real lion and jump at the opponent, forcing it down and starting attacking it with its claws and snout. Since Aimermon Valiant Mode is more than powerful enough to do this technique, he isn't required to combine two attacks of his. Horizon Rope, the mane covering Aimermon Valiant Mode's chest glows releasing a green rope from within the mane towards the opponent. Horizon Rope can also be used to save friendly beings, as it's stronger now with Aimermon Valiant Mode's strength. Radiance of Myths, Aimermon Valiant Mode glows green and his glow intensifies, and widens all around him. The glow starts from his sponge pads It forms a large green energizing holy pure energy dome high into the air. Any corrupt Digimon are instantly freed from the spell that was on them, and any villainous Digimon are severely weakened. Allied or friendly Digimon are instantly healed and fully recovered. Unlike Magna Aimermon, Aimermon Valiant Mode is capable of controlling the range of Radiance of Myths. Spirit Revenge, using Lirf Sword for this technique, Aimermon Valiant Mode remains holding Lirf Sword, or throws it into the air. A green energy of an owl's face explodes out of Lirf Sword and heads towards the opponent. Power of Myths, using his Myths Blade for this technique, Aimermon Valiant Mode slashes the sword in front of him diagonally as he's holding it with both paws. A strong green energy is released towards the opponent. Tanis Glide, again using his Myths Blade for this technique, Aimermon Valiant Mode held Myths Blade with both of his paws, and faces the blade's tip downwards vertically. Aimermon Valiant Mode slashes Myths Blade upwards straight, and sparks appear on the sword. A giant transparent green owl rushes out of the sword into the sky. Valiant Eclipse, Aimermon Valiant Mode doesn't need any of his swords for this technique. He puts two of his fingers from of his right hand in front of his nose vertically. Aimermon Valiant Mode sways his right arm to his right, having only one finger of his right hand pointing upwards vertically. A planet wide solar eclipse occurs. The eclipse doesn't pass until the attack is over as the moon looks like a bright crescent. Hundreds of pieces of rock fall from the sky and explode once they collide with the ground. It is thought that the rocks come from the moon, but the moon isn't harmed. From the explosion, green energy forms of the spirits of twinkle; animal soul of the owl, and soul of the lion in the hundreds glide at top speed towards the main opponent. They all simultaneously collide with the opponent in a bright green sphere or dome explosion, erasing the data of the opponent completely, not giving it a chance to gather or be reborn somewhere else. If other worlds in other dimensions were invaded, the same would happen there and it would erase all the evil codelimin across the dimension and restore its beauty in other worlds and the origin world the attack was originally done in. The attack is as strong as a nuke, but it could be much more powerful, covering a whole city in its green energy, restoring it. A green beam of light reaches into space and goes off for miles. At the site of the impact would be a large crater where numerous types of flowers would be blooming. Aimermon Valiant Mode could control the range of the sphere or dome. Once done, the eclipse would pass away. Valiant Desafe, Aimermon Valiant Mode clutches his right paw into a fist and pounds his chest once to the right. Instantly a green energy shield is formed in front of Aimermon Valiant Mode. The shield has the face of an owl, but staring downwards, with its chest and its wings outstretched. Valiant Desafe is only a defensive technique and does withstand any attack of any sort, no matter how powerful it is.

© ® Ammaar bin Walid

Rank: Muzon.

Attribute: Mammal Jerebi Myths Sailor; Tamed Beast; Biocode; Spenianmon; Owl Copedam.

Attacks: Triple Emerald Legends; Twinkle Line through Emeraldsnow; Mystic Valiantstar through Emeraldsnow; Twinkle Soar through Emeraldsnow; Horizon Rope; Radiance of Myths; Spirit Revenge through Lirf Sword; Power of Myths through Myths Blade; Tanis Glide through Myths Blade; Valiant Eclipse; Valiant Desafe.

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