Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Andalus Village: Atom Spacemon

Andalus Village
Myths Soul-Warrior
Ammaar bin Walid

Atom Spacemon

He was Garurumon's size. He was totally white with the emerald crest of Myths on his forehead, above his snout. He had 5 claws on the front legs with green armored Crovinze around his lower legs. He had 4 claws on the back legs. His green mane was shorter, up to his shoulder blades. He was quadruple. His tail was a few inches longer with the same colors, white stripped green. His visor was now gone revealing his dark brown eyes. He was in the Champion/Adult level. His S-Strength was 575.

His attacks are: Atom Bomb, Atom Spacemon's armored green lower legs glow as particles are gathered in them. When the gathering reaches it's full, then the 2 front legs which were the only ones to glow release green beams combining together in mid-air forming a small energetic emerald bomb that is launched towards the opponent, exploding on impact. Atom Grenades, the same thing happens like with the Atom Bomb however the 2 beams don't combine and continually launch small Atom Bomb but smaller than the Atom bomb. Atom Explosion, Atom Spacemon jerks his head back but not all the way while green particles of energy gather around his mouth. When ready, Atom Spacemon thrashes his head forward while his mouth opens releasing the big Atom Bomb at the opponent.

© ® Ammaar bin Walid

Rank: Maturity

Attribute: Mammal Jerebi Myths Soul-Warrior; Tamed Beast; Biocode; Spenianmon; Owl Copedam.

Attacks: Atom Bomb; Atom Grenades; Atom Explosion.

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